Basic Features of JoyToKey

Main Window

You can create multiple profiles in the left panel. Right panel shows the button-key assignments for the selected profile.

In the example below,

  • Sticks are assigned to arrow keys
  • When "Button 1" is pressed, key input "X" will be emulated

Button Assignment Window

For each joystick button, you can assign a keyboard input or a mouse input. For keyboard emulation, it can be a single keyboard input (e.g. 'X' key in the example below), or it can be a combination of multiple keys like Alt+F4, or it can be a special purpose key such as "PRINT SCREEN" key. Similarly, mouse emulation mode will enable you to assign mouse cursor movement, or wheel movement, or left/middle/right click.

Joy2Key: Joystick button 1 is assigned to a key 'X'

Auto Setting Wizard

Auto Setting Wizard will help you to configure basic key assignments in less than a minute!

Joy2Key: configure key assignments for gamepad's buttons in sequence

Associate profiles to target applications

JoyToKey can automatically switch an active profile based on the current focused application. In order to configure it, go to menu: Settings -> Associate profiles with applications.

Application link screen: Associate a profile for a certain application path

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